Title : learning English is Interesting
Firstly, I would like to say thank you very much for the MC who has given me opportunity to deliver this English speech.
Ladies and gentlemen;
It is a great honor for me to stand here and give a brief speech entitled “Learning English is Interesting”
Brother and sister;
As an international language, English is widely spoken by people around the world. It is also the most commonly used language in sciences, books, magazine, newspapers and other media of news and entertainments. Because of its important role, English is considered as one of the most popular language subject in many countries, include in our country: Indonesia.
For many years, English has been a compulsory lesson in Indonesia’s secondary school. Its main purpose is to make student able to compete in the globalization era. The mastery of English will enable students to continue their study to university or hunt for jobs. In winder scope, it is fore the sake of developing our country and interacting in international relationship. But, many students graduating from senior high schools still cannot speak English well. In fact, they have been learning English fore more than six years, since they were at elementary schools.
Sister and brother;
My beloved friend…….
In my point of view, the main problem that makes students feel difficult in learning English is the teaching-learning process does not attract students’ interests. In other words, the situation of English class is not interesting. The class runs monotonously; teacher explains the material and students just listen to the teacher. The teaching learning process often lacks of practicing. Students do not have enough practices to use English in conversation or in dialogues. Naturally, as a mean of communication, English should be placed as a practical or applied lesson. It is not just a theoretical subject. The teaching of English should emphasize on the students’ ability in using English in communication.
Ladies and gentleman;
Sister and brothers……..
In my humble opinion, the conclusion is: learning English will be more interesting if students have fun with English.
I think that’s all my speech. I am so sorry if there are mistake and inconveniences in my utterances. And…..thank you very much for your kindest attention.
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